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For the love of nature, people, and animals

We are hosts. We are farmers. We are family. And we are passionate about what we are and what we do. We do everything out of love for nature, people, and animals. We know that Brandhof, Brandalm, and the wonderful nature that cradles us are our greatest wealth. We want to protect and preserve these – and share the results of our dedication with you. Because everything is better together

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Our love for nature

Meat from our own organic farm

It’s only natural for us to run our farm in harmony with our environment and to use valuable resources in the most responsible way. This is the best way we can continue in the long term and successfully pass our business on to the next generation of Schrempfs. Our biggest passion is organic farming. We proudly rear our Pustertaler Sprinzen cattle and delight our guests with our own organic beef products. Of course, this includes taking care of our beautiful Alpine pastures and fields at the foot of Mt Dachstein. What could bring us more joy than sharing these special places in the middle of nature with you, our guests?

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Our love for nature

Our Pustertaler Sprinzen cattle

We breed Pustertaler Sprinzen, a robust, mountain-friendly breed of beef cattle. What’s striking is their distinctive appearance with their spotted, piebald coat pattern – which is why they’re also known as the Pustertal piebalds. Their adaptability makes them ideal for Alpine regions, where they make a major contribution to preserving traditional agriculture and biodiversity. Due to their genetic characteristics and the natural growth cycle on our organic farm, their meat is of excellent quality: It’s finely marbled, tender, and juicy, which makes it particularly delicious. Try it at Brandalm!

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Alpine grasses and mountain air make the highest-quality beef

The mountain climate around Mt Dachstein guarantees the highest-quality meat. The higher UV radiation strengthens the bones, and the thinner air stimulates breathing, meaning the lungs and heart become stronger and the number of red blood cells increases. Being outside in wind and weather improves resilience, and climbing strengthens muscles, tendons, and joints. Herbs such as white clover, red clover, or lady’s mantle give the meat a distinct character, which you can taste in the delicate marbling and fine fibres.

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The Schrempf Family // Schildlehen 6
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein // Austria
VAT no.: ATU 67196704
T +43 664 1806460 //