For the love of nature, people, and animals
We are hosts. We are farmers. We are family. And we are passionate about what we are and what we do. We do everything out of love for nature, people, and animals. We know that Brandhof, Brandalm, and the wonderful nature that cradles us are our greatest wealth. We want to protect and preserve these – and share the results of our dedication with you. Because everything is better together
Alpine grasses and mountain air make the highest-quality beef
The mountain climate around Mt Dachstein guarantees the highest-quality meat. The higher UV radiation strengthens the bones, and the thinner air stimulates breathing, meaning the lungs and heart become stronger and the number of red blood cells increases. Being outside in wind and weather improves resilience, and climbing strengthens muscles, tendons, and joints. Herbs such as white clover, red clover, or lady’s mantle give the meat a distinct character, which you can taste in the delicate marbling and fine fibres.